2011年7月25日 星期一

七月二十一號:最後一堂口訓課 with Joyce 老師

團隊除了密集地準備教案外,也安排了英語口訓課程,由本校寫作中心老師,同時也是本校語言教學所的學姊-李秋慧老師幫我們授課。授課內容包括如何進行正式的自我介紹、如何呈現 presentation,以及如何學習、熟悉澳洲腔等,都非常的實用與清晰。

上完 Joyce 老師的口訓課程後,將是各組與另一位口訓老師 Joy 進行試教演練。這也算是我們的口訓課程之一。Joy 老師將會校正我們的口說、腔調、用字遣詞等。

2011年7月14日 星期四


因本團隊成員參加校內於四月舉辦的「CSI 國際參與工作坊」,聽到張大使授課的「國際禮儀」課程,覺得青年大使團隊或許也會受益良多,故又再度邀請張大使蒞臨清大替我們教課。


2011年7月9日 星期六



為了準備屆時到澳洲的交流課程,我們在七月八號當天進行一場全天的試教活動。由於我們在澳洲交流的方式,是以小組進行:每小組由兩人進行一項主題,共有三個主題;分別為「地理美景(Fun Formosa - Geographic and Tourist Attractions of Taiwan)」、「多元族群(Multi-ethnicity, History, and Culture of Taiwan )」,以及「綠能環保(Let's Have A Cup of GREEN TEA - Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection)」。



2011年7月7日 星期四




2011年7月6日 星期三

July 5th - Lunch with Director McKay, Australian Commerce and Industry Office, Taipei (ACIO Taipei)

After meeting Director McKay for the first time on May 27th, our team was very honor to have the opportunity to dine with Mr. McKay, Ms. Chen, and other staffs from ACIO Taipei on July 5th. This appointment was arranged since we met Mr. McKay in May. Mr. McKay was very friendly and kind to invite us for lunch with him before we fly to Australia on August 13th. Mr. McKay himself is the Director of Education Office at ACIO Taipei.
Mr. McKay at the press room of ACIO Taipei
We arrived at ACIO Taipei before noon, and Mr. McKay delivered a presentation on Australia's general information and education. Before the presentation, on behalf of National Tsing Hua University, our instructor, Prof. Hsu  presented the gift to Mr. McKay. In return, Mr. McKay and all other staffs at ACIO Taipei also prepared gifts for us. Therefore, all of our teammates got a T-Shirt and several booklets and brochures on Australia's educational information.

After the presentation and its following Q&A time, Mr. McKay gave us a short tour of the Office. It has one of the most magnificent views of Taipei City. There are several art collections displayed in the Office, creating  an ambiance of artful modernity and interior fashion. All those pieces of arts are from Australian artists. The Director said by displaying the arts, the government showed support and effort to promote Australia's modern art and culture. 

Shortly after the tour, we walked to have lunch at the nearby restaurant which was also located in Xinyi District. The food was great, and Mr. McKay helped us a lot by answering all of our questions, regardless of if they were relevant to our program.
Very awesome food! Thank you, Mr. McKay and ACIO Taipei!
Mr. McKay shared his insights and experiences about the differences between Western and Eastern culture. In addition, he wished us good luck, and was looking forward to the result / achievement / learning from the program.